The achieved MEMR was mostly based on Radiall’s existing Quartz product line, which is a new MEMR for telecom and instrumentation. SELECTOR should then enable Radiall to introduce Quartz to the space market. This is in line with Radiall’s overall commercial strategy of accessing several markets in order to avoid dependence on a single market.

Micro SPDT series evolution, a new market opportunity for MEMR with SELECTOR project

Expected Impact
Radiall has experience in the space market, especially the coaxial switch market. Thus, its ambition to develop a new MEMR compatible with the space market is fully in line with its corporate strategy. The new MEMR is applicable within two markets, thanks to:
Strong RF performances and power capability close to coaxial microwave relay products (30 GHz for the new MEMR, compared to 50 GHz for coaxial relay)
Same circuit board integration process as DC relay products through SMT